Hundreds of DVDs and an Entertainment Center in Sight

So I came home from work some time ago and decided I would watch a movie while I made dinner.  In the modern era of Netflix and many other on-demand mediums my go-to for a film is still my own tangible movie collection.  Let me provide a little bit of backstory. Over the years I have acquired what I consider an “acceptable” amateur movie collection. While it may seem small compared to other collections, I’m proud of my personal slice of Hollywood consisting of comedies, action, romance and more. For me, there’s just something special about having your own tangible copy of a film that on-demand mediums can’t match.   Unfortunately, for the limited space I have in my apartment, my movie collection was bordering on unruly. I have over two hundred movies on DVD, Blu-ray, and yes, even VHS. Call me nostalgic, but I still like to hang on to the VHS ones even though I no longer have a VHS player.  Anyways I digress…

Back to my story; when I went to find a movie to watch that evening I realized then and there what an awful and frustrating experience it was. My movie collection had not only overtaken the living room, it had also spilled into stacks on the floor of my bedroom as well.  Even though the ones in the living room were in a storage unit, the unit did not hold them well and it looked like a large, life-sized game of Tetris inside.  You’re probably thinking Brooke the answer is simple – just stop buying more movies and sell or give some away! That may seem logical, but my movie collection is my guilty pleasure, along with shoes, so there was no way that was going to happen. What I really needed was a way to better organize what I already had while also allowing for inevitable future expansion.

Don’t live like I did surrounded in chaos. Get organized with an entertainment system customized for your specific needs. Closets and More, Inc.’s organization experts understand how to properly utilize any space and provide you with a tailored storage solution that’s both aesthetically pleasing and extremely functional. These days as I continue to add to my collection, I know that each film will have a happy little organized home to go to thanks to my entertainment systemfrom Closets and More.

Brooke is a storage aficionado, expert shopper, and the contributing blog writer for Closets and More, Inc., (and let’s not forget amateur movie collector).